Tuesday, September 6, 2011

New School Year

Hello everybody...I hope you all had a nice summer and are ready to go for another year at NHS!

One of my goals is to try to make more regular postings on here. Over the last few years I tended to make posts on a random basis. I am hoping to at least be more consistent, even if the posting is short.

A couple things are on my mind as we begin the 2011-2012 school year. First, I have to say that I am always amazed at how quickly the time goes by. I have found that the older I get, the quicker it goes. This past summer (and even last school year) seem like blips on the radar screen at this point.

I spoke to a few freshmen today who were touring the high school. A few of them expressed fear/anxiety/dissapointment that the new school year was starting. My advice to them....enjoy high school while you can. It is a difficult mission, but never wish the time away. As you get older, you realize just how short life is. Enjoy it while you can and just as importantly...don't sweat the small stuff!

The other thing I was thinking about is how amazing it is that we are now at the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. It is just amazing to think that 10 years have passed. I think most Americans who experienced this feel similarly. Our memories of this event are forever cemented in our minds and vision. Take some time in the coming weeks to think about the victims who perished, their families, and the overall impact this event has had on our nation. I'm sure there will be plenty of television specials to be had in the coming week on this topic.

Thats all for now. I hope you have a great start to the school year.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tour of Norton 2011

Here are some images from the annual 3rd grade tour of Norton. As usual, everyone put a tremendous amount of effort into making the tour a success. Thanks to everybody involved...NHS students, JCS teachers, Norton Historical Society, etc.