Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Last year at the same time, I had made a post about New Year's resolutions. This year is no different. The most important thing on my list is to do a better job of exercising.

I have always considered myself to be "in shape." However, as many people know, I have had some roadblocks in the past year which have prevented me from doing as much physical activity as I would like. The graduate program I just finished in December took a large amount of time away from what little free time I had to begin with. Combine that with a freak virus that sidelined me for 2 months this past fall and I really feel like I'm in the worst shape of my life.

This year, I really need to get back on track. It has been difficult in the past month with all of the snow which had been falling and making the running surfaces slick. However, I need to follow through and really start treating my body better. Barring any snow storms, my goal right now is to run at least 10 miles a week. I also need to improve my diet and drink more water.

Hopefully by the time the summer rolls around, I'll be back in running shape in time for some of the road races I enjoy.

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