Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Top albums of 2007

Most of my students have already figured out that I'm a big music freak. Around the end of each year, I can't help but think back at the year gone-by and recall what some of my favorite albums and concerts were.

2007 was a good year for classic rock albums. John Fogerty came out with one of his best solo discs in decades, Revival. If you enjoy the old Creedance sound, grab this disc for sure. Bruce Springsteen also returned with the E-Street Band to release Magic. While I think it lacks some of the energy usually found on E-Street albums, this is still a great release. The Eagles also didn't dissapoint with their first new album in nearly 30 years. Long Road Out of Eden is a double-CD with some songs that have that classic Eagles sound and also some tracks that sound very "new."

I also really enjoyed Ryan Adams' "Easy Tiger" album as well as the interesting duet album with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. David Gray, Crowded House, Spoon, and Levon Helm also came out with great albums this year.

Is there anything from 2007 that you would highly recommend?


Atreyu said...

Definetely the new Foo Fighters cd, Echoes, Silence, Patience, & Grace. There are a lot better songs on the cd than "The Pretender" in my opinion. They have a more grown up sound and they sound amazing. You should check it out.

JUN10RS! said...

Fergie's "The Dutchess"

Anonymous said...

There are a few albums I would reccomend. Not nesicarily 2007's.
Mark Ronson has some pretty interesting songs on his latest album "Version". Also two fairly unknown bands, "Wrong Reasons" I have a strong feeling you will really like this guy. It is a singer that plays an acoustic guitar, and drummer. May sound lame, but once you hear a song, you will love it. Also this band that does classic stuff , their called "Free Trippe" the bassist is amazing, I saw them live, and was absolutly flored.

Unknown said...

I feel like a dork for reading a school blog but i feel the need torecommend Ulrich Schnauss (Far away, trains passingby) if you ever like to sit down on your bed, relax, and listen to some good music. It's instrumental and a little weird, but if you listen with an open mind, you'll find yourself satisfied and totally relaxed. Im actually not even sure if it's new at all, but I like it and I'm a pro, so listen.